IdjitCast Season Two Episode Nineteen “Folsom Prison Blues”

This is the first episode recorded since the passing of Toni Flores, John’s Mother, and we would like to dedicate it to her memory.

If you wish to support John at this difficult time, please check out

This week, what looks like a bonehead break-in scheme turns out to be an elaborate prison ghost hunt, complete with a man on the inside ready to arrange an escape at the end. Special Guest Annie joins us to discuss the episode, and things like this happen:

Paul assumes the guest stars of the episode were noticed, and generates a pun that goes nowhere.

Paul talks too much when Darcy watches the show alone with nobody in the room.

What kind of illicit militia likes to rock and roll all night?

We broke it in less than 15 minutes, I guess. And then we had a cow.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

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Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Eighteen “Hollywood Babylon”

If you wish to support John at this difficult time, please check out

This week, Dean goes Hollywood while Sam goes research. Yep, the side trip Dean had all planned out ends up with Sam’s nose in books and Dean’s nose in his favorite movie starlet. At least.

Heidi joins us in our full-length discussion, and you can listen along to hear points like:

Paul is far, far away or at least sounds that way, and Darcy has no sound at all due to a spring cold.

What do “Lord of the Rings,” “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” “Sunset Boulevard,” “Mallrats,” & “Much Ado About Nothing” have in common? Listen.

*Not actually McG

“Damn, I’m gonna get mistaken for that guy again…”

“That’s what I get for having a tennis ball head.”

Everyone has a favorite electrician.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

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Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Newb-entary for “Hollywood Babylon”

Hey! Time for another Newb-entary.

Grab your Goobers and watch along as John leads the Newbies in a watching of Hollywood Babylon.

Next week will be the full episode discussion.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Seventeen “Heart”

If you wish to support John at this difficult time, please check out

In this episode, Sam gets horizontal with a girl he only recently met. They didn’t show him using protection, but maybe if you pause you might see the wrapper. They certainly didn’t have an explicit shot of him putting on a flea collar…

We kick off with the words “burly” and “stroke.”

Maybe we’ll get Gremlins later on…

Creepy tantric thing.

Don’t think too hard about paper.

More underwear than I know what to do with.

You’ve got heartstrings in your teeth.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Sixteen “Roadkill”

If you wish to support John at this difficult time, please check out

This week, the boys are flagged down by just the person they were looking for, but things go downhill from there. In the end, they help a woman learn a whole lot she didn’t know about herself, and get to an ending George Lass would be proud of.

Annie from the North Texas Browncoats ( ) joins us again this week, and the following occurs:

We say John will join us in progress, then he immediately arrives, but just as quickly disappears until arriving again. (There’s a slight chance the out-of-sequence recording is not as seamless as I had intended.)

Paul inserts the words “as the Trickster” into an email where they were not originally. This changes meanings and confuses us all for a bit.

Paul confesses not having watched Battlestar Galactica and Darcy recalls loving Lorne Greene as Adama.

Paul confesses he’s all smarty-pants, at least insofar as guessing this episode’s twist.

Some creepy Pearl Jam song?

The Bone-Burnin’ Hokey Pokey?

Darcy flagellates Paul with a catnip mouse.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Fifteen, “Tall Tales”

Professors are thrown from windows, Sam & Dean roll around on a bed, alligators attack from the sewers, cakes are consumed, and there is an oh-so-special slow dance with an alien Gray. All on this week’s episode, “Tall Tales.”

So pour a few Purple Nurples and some of this will happen before your very ears:

Yvette is the Dean of IdjitCast, Darcy feels Bobby, and John has an audio approximation of resting bitchface.

Everyone roots for flesh consumption. Sadly, there is none.

Here are the five best places for poutine in Austin, TX:

And in Dallas, take note they all sound snobby.

Helpful tips for hotel stays.

Slow dance deficit.

You don’t just take that out in front of the guy…

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Newb-entary for “Tall Tales”

This week Annie joins us to watch and comment on Season Two Episode Fifteen “Tall Tales.” So grab a snack, your favorite Supernatural viewing device to watch, and listen along!

Coming next week, our full episode on “Tall Tales.”

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Fourteen “Born Under a Bad Sign”

Sam isn’t in the driver’s seat, and we aren’t talking about the Impala. Dean investigates Sam/Not Sam’s activities with him until Sam/Not Sam goes off on his own. Which of our rich cast of supporting players could get hurt, and which one has all the necessary ingenuity to save the day?

We are operating on a skeleton crew this week, and we still manage to discuss:

Jerky issues.

Driving a VW Beagle with suspicious fringe.

Mmm-mmm Menthols.

It’s…not a trap. But it could have been!

Awfully specific Darcy.

Something smells…

You may not want to know all about the Duluth Harbor, but you may after this…

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Thirteen “Houses of the Holy”

This week a priest’s spirit who lost his life in criminal violence mistakes himself as an angel. He then sends troubled people out to enact a supposed holy vengeance against those who would do harm in his parish. Sam is directed to kill someone by the spirit, and he believes it might actually be an angel instructing him to work God’s will. Can Dean convince Sam to ignore the supposed angel’s instruction and put the spirit to rest?

This week Heidi joins us as:

Paul might possibly be a bit sloppy by the end of this, the start certainly is sloppy.

But Paul does correctly identify the “Magnum P.I.” pilot “Don’t Eat the Snow in Hawaii.” In a tangent. (Duh.)

Is there a cat under there?

And of course those pop culture podcast clichés: mono vs polytheism, and determinism vs free will.

Our Lady of what now?

Paul drops a very subtle “Veronica Mars” reference. Had to be done, the considering the company present.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Twelve “Nightshifter”

This week the guy from the cafe on Eureka is positive the androids are out there. His copy of the security camera footage tells Sam & Dean another thing entirely, there is a shapeshifter at work in Milwaukee. Unfortunate lies and circumstances lead the three of them into a hostage situation at a local bank, with police, the media, and the FBI surrounding them.

This week, Carol joins us as:

Paul was distracted by the devil of Hell’s Kitchen, so no handcrafted summary.

The shifter was Squiggy???

Banker’s spare ladies’ underclothing or network necessity?

Who wants to wear pants?

No really, we have some classic rock cred. Maybe in our other pants, or lack thereof?

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!