Sue Watches Angel #28 Reprise Plus WWBW

Angel_2x15In this episode, Em and Sue talk about the fairly lackluster and depressing first half of what is really a two parter (what a way to start our “only watching one at a time” stretch, eh?) Oh well- the fates made it so. I’m not going to give anything away, but hopefully Sue will like the second part a bit better… (I just think she still hasn’t forgiven the show for Happy Anniversary and A Thin Dead Line).

We also discuss a few other things we’ve been watching as is our custom during The Bates Motel Season.

Sue Watches Buffy #27 (S5: I Was Made to Love You – Forever)

imageWell, here is the episode where Em and Sue discuss I Was Made to Love You, The Body, and Forever. We find out how Sue felt being totally blindsided by Buffy losing her mother in a very sudden way (because we have no idea how that may feel). No, Sue- I have to break it to you– The Body wasn’t about Glory needing to procure another body after slamming to the ground somewhere across the world. Sorry. We all kind of wish it was.

Em and Sue were joined this week by another Buffy newbie, who happens to have lost a mother in law when Em and Sue lost their mom- Bronwyn Wright or “B”. Please join us, as we honor Joyce, honor Jane, share some personal experiences we had along with Buffy and yes- have some laughs too.

Sue Watches Buffy #26 (S5: Triangle-Crush)

spikeThis week Sue watched the episodes: Triangle, Checkpoint, Blood Ties, and Crush and we were joined by special guest Elizabeth Smith- or were we? This group of episodes has many revels in it, some for the characters and some for the audience. Listen to what Sue thought of them and what she thinks may be in store for “Bike”, or where might they go from here, if you will.

I want to apologize for I think Olaf came and stomped through our recording, wreaking more havoc on it then Gile’s magic shop. The audio has issues almost throughout, ending with cutting us off before we can discuss next week 🙁 Olaf sucks! (Except Emily loves him.)

Sue Watches Angel #25 (S2: Blood Money- Thin Dead Line)

angel213Listen to Em and Sue as we try to make sense of the episodes: Blood Money, Happy anniversary, and A Thin Dead Line. Not the most illustirius of episodes, but that did keep it short enough to add Sue’s report of her very first Comic Con at the end. There’s something.

The episodes aren’t good, but we manage to have a bit of fun talking about them and hey- no memorial this time. Stay alive people!

Sue Watches Angel #24 (S2: The Shroud – Redefinition)

tumblr_lenxm0Ddfo1qbpcgbo1_500-1This week besides it being The Billy Casper Memorial Podcast, we also watched some Angel episodes. The Shroud of Rahmon, The Trial, Reunion, and Redefinition. That’s about all I can think of to say, my brain is fried. If you were expecting anything witty or interesting, I apologize.





RIP Billy Casper 1931-2015

We will miss our old friend, neighbor, chauffeur, fried egg sandwich maker, and your silly squirrel songs.

The King of Ms. Pac-Man oh, and you were also a damn fine golfer.

Sue Watches Buffy #23 (S5: eps Shadow- Into the Woods)


Hey guys– This week Em and Sue take a look at the Buffy episodes Shadow, Listening to Fear, and Into the Woods. Yeah, we also talked about The Shroud of Rahmon because Emily thought we would breeze through these Buffys and could tack on that Angel episode at the end. Instead we had lots to say about this string of episodes (and surprisingly it wasn’t all just partying over Riley’s departure). We still recorded it that night, but frankly- I had to cut a lot out to make this podcast a reasonable length. Luckily, we have plenty of room in the next batch of episodes to nestle it in there (yes, we already recorded it).

Also featured in the next podcast will be an extended version of events of Sue attending her first Comic Con. So if you want to hear more- it’s coming.

Did I mention Riley is gone? Yes? Well, it was definitely worth mentioning again.

Sue Watches Buffy #22 Part I (S5: E5-7)

500px-0101buffy-spike-fool-for-love-james-marsters-sarah-michelle-gellarWhat do you get when you combine Emily, Sue, special guest Carol, and the episode’s Fool For Love and Darla amongst others? Answer: An extra big discussion. Part one is bigger then part two, but I just couldn’t cut it off before Fool For Love, so they’re uneven. I think I will be forgiven, and I’m trying to stay on track, so watch for part II in just a few days.

This episode will answer a few of your questions, such as: Did Sue like Fool For Love or is she off the podcast?  Next week is it just going to be called “Em Watches Buffy”?  How did she feel about Spike’s human persona? Join us as we give you our take on these epic episodes and discuss them as only Em and Sue can. (Long and yes- a few bits of laughter.)

Sue Watches Angel #21 (season 2: Judgment – Dear Boy)

imageWell, here we are in season 2 and already it’s looking much more promising than season 1. In this podcast, we discuss Judgment (and why the bip it’s spelled that way), Are You Now or Have You Ever Been, First Impressions, Untouched, and Dear Boy. We try to flesh out all the movie references in Are You Now, and we discuss the mysteries of Darla, as well as a lot more.

Come join us on Sue’s first journey into the Buffy Verse as we laugh our way through the entire 2 series.

Oh and the intro? That really was the best one out of like 50.

Sue Watches Buffy #20 (Season 5: 1-4)


Well, here we are at season 5 and Emily couldn’t be happier. Em and Sue discuss Sue’s thoughts on how this season begins and what she thinks of it. We have some laughs (I don’t think we stop laughing while talking about The Replacement). We hear a few theories from Sue about Dawn and this new Spike thing.

Join us! We are having a lot of fun and you all know this season is good!



It is with a heavy heart, we have to proceed through this season with out the feedbacks and guest hosting of Bob DeGrande.  He passed away, and so we dedicate this podcast to our friend Bob. We are going to miss you and your contributions! The Buffy podcast community at large feels your absence.  RIP

389787_10150399612182497_1486814711_nNote:  Sue and I would like to stop having to dedicate podcasts to people in our life who have passed on.  We’ve had enough, thank you very much.

Except maybe you, Fast Eddy- it’s probably about time.