Sue Watches Buffy #27 (S5: I Was Made to Love You – Forever)

imageWell, here is the episode where Em and Sue discuss I Was Made to Love You, The Body, and Forever. We find out how Sue felt being totally blindsided by Buffy losing her mother in a very sudden way (because we have no idea how that may feel). No, Sue- I have to break it to you– The Body wasn’t about Glory needing to procure another body after slamming to the ground somewhere across the world. Sorry. We all kind of wish it was.

Em and Sue were joined this week by another Buffy newbie, who happens to have lost a mother in law when Em and Sue lost their mom- Bronwyn Wright or “B”. Please join us, as we honor Joyce, honor Jane, share some personal experiences we had along with Buffy and yes- have some laughs too.

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