Sue Watches Buffy #09 (Earshot-The Prom)

promThis week, Em and Sue watched The Buffy Episodes: Earshot, Choices, and The Prom. Despite having a terrible cold, Em forged through and kept her voice for far longer than she thought possible as they giggled through talking about these episodes. The end of high school and season 3 is in the air, and find out what Sue thinks about the winding down of a very popular season of Buffy.

Sue Watches Buffy 8 (S#3: Bad Girls-Enemies)

Buffy-Faith-buffy-vs-faith-5981410-450-338This week Sue watched Bad Girls, Consequences, Doppelgangland, and Enemies and was thus introduced to Bad Faith. How did she take it? Did she enjoy seeing her old pal Angelus again? To help Emily unravel the answers to these questions and more, we were joined by our Bates Motel room 1 resident Harold!

Tangents at the end and still a few tangents throughout. Hey! It was our first guest and we like to talk.

Sue Watches Buffy 7 (S#3: Amends-The Zeppo)


Em and Sue are back again with another installment- this time we watched Amends, Gingerbread, Helpless, and The Zeppo (or The Shemp if you happen to get confused by your old timey trios). We don’t know anyone like that though.



If you stay after the music, you can listen to Em and Sue wax nostalgic about Robin Williams for a bit.o-captain

Sue Watches Buffy #05

Angel_&_buffy_season_three_episode_one_anne_episode_stillEm and Sue are back, and have moved on to season 3.  In this particular podcast they review the first 5 episodes including: Anne, Dead Man’s Party, Faith Hope & Trick, Beauty and the Beasts, and Homecoming.  Did Emily chose this picture because Sue was excited to see Angel again or did she chose it just to bug Sue?  Listen to find out.  Also, listen after the closing song if you’d like to hear Em and Sue’s Emmy nominations rant.

Sue Watches Buffy #04

buffy221-buffy2Em and Sue are moving right along as they wrap up season 2 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It’s another super sized episode as they discuss the episodes Killed by Death, I Only Have Eyes For You (nope, no literal eyeballs Sue- you’ll have to wait for Angel for that-), Go Fish, and The two-parter Becoming.

Sue enjoyed this batch of episodes as we all must have figured she might, but did she find it in her heart to forgive Angel of his transgressions and did she switch to Team Bangel? Uh- doubtful. Join us as we try to pull Sue into the pleasant, yet dank, sunless rabbit hole that is Buffy.

Sue Watches Buffy #3

IMG_1651In this installment, Sue and Em discuss the epic episode run that is Surprise to Passion and find out if Buffy (and Angel) managed to surprise Sue. We tackle subjects you’d expect like the relationships in the show, how much of a d-bag is Angel? and can he ever come back from this or did he reach the point of no return? Also did Emily play another Captain and Tennille song? (She wouldn’t want any of her listeners to be culture free.)

Come listen and hear newbie Sue’s reactions to these great episodes and find out if she can come up with any theories on where we might go from here.

Sorry for the supersized podcast this week, but any one who has seen these episodes probably understands— perhaps you might want to break it up into a couple listens. Beep! If you stay until the end, you can get a taste of what it’s like podcasting when you have family.

Sue Watches Buffy #2

normal_buffy211-033Well, Sue has made it halfway through season 2 and this chunk of episodes just might be her favorite yet (I wonder how long that is going to last…) We review episodes Lie to Me through Bad Eggs this time, and Sue enjoyed Ted as much as Em thought she would and may have liked Bad Eggs more then expected and she found Kendra’s accent as torturous as we all did.

Join Yes Mother Podcast as we share our thoughts and favorite and least favorite parts, and hear Sue’s predictions on what is going to happen next including who she thinks will end up as this season’s big bad.

Sue Watches Buffy #01


CompleteBuffy_Halloween_S2_E6_willowOn this week’s edition of Yes Mother, it’s a Sue Watches Buffy episode! We discuss the first 6 episodes of season 2. We discuss what we like and didn’t like. Sue comes up with some predictions. And listener Keri points out in some feedback that Buffy’s father is played by the actor that played Almonzo in Little House in the Prairie. Sue is pretty excited about this because she thought Almonzo was one of her first childhood crushes. But about 10 minutes after recording she realizes she was thinking of Albert the whole time. Almonzo was the creepy older guy Laura marries way too young and Sue definitely did not have a crush on him. Listen along if you are curious about what Sue thinks of Buffy!

Yes Mother Podcast: What We’ve Been Watching for Episode #18

Don-Draper-Mad-MenEm’s journey down the rabbit hold of Mad Men is over! She enjoyed her journey very much and we are glad she is back. Sue can’t decide who the best depicted literary character is, Mr. Darcy or Mr. Rochester and Emily unsuccessfully tries to explain French girls. Sue took Emily up on her challenge last week and watched the Buffy episodes she was asked to watch and possibly more.