Sue Watches Buffy #19 (The Yoko Factor – end of season 4)

rileybuffyrest1lHere is the episode in which Em and Sue finish up the infamous season 4. We had help too- guest Carol Swift stopped by to help us recap. We had some good times season 4, we really did. However- we are not sad to wave you goodbye and say hello to season 5.

I have to apologize for the poor audio quality in parts. Because of the troubles I had to make a rough cut or two- so sorry about that. Also listen for the baby that haunted the recording from time to time. Hmmm… maybe there is a simpler explanation for it… The three of us also MIGHT be a little prone to tangents- some I cut out, some I left in, and some I added at the end. Cheers.

Well we did it. Pats on the back all around.

Sue Watches Angel #18 (5X5 – end of season 1)

1.18We are back! We also finished up season 1 of Angel! Yay! In this episode we watch Faith crossover to Angel and possibly find her way to redemption- but only time will tell, cause that Sue- she doesn’t exactly trust Faith.
After that, we get familiar with a prophecy that appears to be about Angel and Angel appears to be pretty happy about it. Cordilla also seems to find something else within herself. Most of all though- Em and Sue are jut happy to be looking at the backside of this season. On to better things!

Oh yeah- the agency exploded and a dead character came back.  I wonder where we go from here…

Sue Watches Buffy (and Angel) #17 (Superstar-Eternity)

417What can I say about the stretch of Buffy episodes that contains Emily’s most hated episode?— We had way too much fun discussing it. Also, it seems to be Sue’s worst episode too. There is definite hope for her. We also discuss some dodgy Angel episodes.
Yeah– more then half of these episodes are terrible, but that doesn’t make for a terrible podcast. Join us while we discuss the Buffy episodes: Superstar, Where the Wild Things Are, New Moon Rising, and the Angel episodes: The Ring and Eternity. We could use the support.

Sue Watches Angel #16 (eps: Somnambulist – Prodigal)

1x13So this podcast includes the episodes: Somnambulist, Expecting, She, I’ve Got You Under My Skin, and The Prodigal. We made it though this pack of tripe and I’m pretty sure Sue is still willing to keep watching. We have a dedicated newbie on our hands people. We even managed to discuss these with quite a few laughs. That’s about all I really want to say about these, I’m ready to leave them behind. If you listen to the end of our podcast however, you will be treated to a Sue dream (containing an Angel reference or two). Almost as good as her dinner with meth heads if you ask me.

Sue Watches Buffy #15 (S4: Doomed-Who Are You)

riley-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-1159775_321_496Here we are. Deep into Season four. Meeting Adam.  Goodbye, Iowa didn’t mean goodbye, Riley.  Yep.  All those things are true.

There are a few bright sides: 1. We are sparing you from dragging this out for 6 weeks, and we discuss these once and done. 2. Spike. 3. *spoiler alert*: someone comes back and her name rhymes with Baith. 4. Ethan Rayne 5. We have guest Bob DeGrande join us!

You join us too- lets support each other. We need it. Next eps covered are 6 Angel eps including Expecting and She. Don’t worry- we rip those off like a band aid too. Sue needs support. She needs to know it gets better and we make up for these dark days…

Sue Watches Angel #14

4717527_l5Here is the second half of our discussion with guest Elizabeth Smith..(if you haven’t noticed- it’s the Angel half of the discussion). We discuss: The Bachelor Party, I Will Remember You, and Hero. It’s even later on the same night we talked about the Buffy episodes and we are still giggling even though Harrie, Angel, Buffy, Bangel shippers everywhere, Cordelia and Doyle are all getting their heart’s broken.

Sue Watches Buffy #13 S4: Pangs – Hush

2527c110cda9a275c887930b5adfe135OOoooo…unlucky # 13 and just a few days after Halloween. But how can we be unlucky discussing Pangs, Something Blue, and Hush? We can’t– especially when you throw our guest Elizabeth Smith in the mix. I’m not going to lie- we had a lot of fun on this episode, stayed up way too late (no I didn’t get the milk afterwards but Elinor didn’t end up needing it. Thanks for asking.), we also went of a tangent or two, which I did not paste onto the end of the episode, but non are very long. We had so much fun in fact I had to cut off the recording before we got to Angel. So look for our Angel discussion coming soon…

Sue Watches Buffy (and Angel) 12: Buffy S4 eps Fear, Itself – The Initiative Angel S1 eps IFTP – S&S

picture-12This week Sunnydale experiences another wacky Halloween (quite seasonal) and we say goodbye to Oz forever (or do we?) we also see The Initiative capture Spike, which leads to causing him some embarrassment in Willow’s bedroom. Meanwhile on Angel, Doctors can remove their body parts all in the name of being incredibly creepily vile and Cordy gets a new apartment and things get sensitive. Ug. Well, sensitive Angel is pretty funny…

Join Em and Sue as Sue has lots of laughs and also has a struggle getting through some of these clunkers. *cough…cough…Angel…cough*

No bloopers this time. We must be getting good? No- that can’t be it.

Sue Watches Buffy (And Angel!) #11: Buffy S4 eps 1-3 and Angel S1 eps 1-3

10355008_10203455290875925_1484474985089492110_nWell, we at Yes Mother had our first calamity: our first recording of this disappeared so we had to record it again. But fear not! We made the best of it by inviting Paul Maki from Idjitcast and The Ghostlight Podcast to join us so we could have a fresh and new podcast and not just try to regurgitate the lost one. It worked great for the most part (I noticed we forgot to mention a few key things the second time around. Nothing catastophic, but if some favorite parts about the episode are missing in our discussion, just be sure we talked about it once upon a time and that it was brilliant and insightful.)

In this episode we discuss the beginnings of Buffy season 4, we share a few roommate horrors, Emily thinks thai stick is just really good chicken satay (I’m a Mormon people! What do you want from me??), and we glory in the return of Spike… and Harm. Oh- and we introduce Sue to Angel’s series. I wonder what she thought of that…

Join us!

By the way… sorry it’s been so long, but that would be on account of the stupid lost recording, but we will have the next one up very soon- I’m looking at it right now on my computer.  It’s there!

Sue Watches Buffy #10 (Graduation Day, Parts I & II)

Buffy-Series-3-Graduation-day-Part2-nicholas-brendon-6713092-1124-842Well, gosh- put on your graduation caps and robes and come revisit Sunnydale Class of ’99 with Em and Sue as we watch the finale of season 3. We have many goodbyes in this episode: we say goodbye to Sunnydale High, the mayor in his human form (and demon form, for that matter), conscious Faith , Angel and his relationship with Buffy (yippee!), the library, Snyder, Harmony (…seriously Sue- she died), the soda machine that gives you Coke when you push root beer, listen to me… I sound like Willow. We are actually excited to move on to season 4 with all it’s mysteries it may contain, we get a new show to watch, etc. It’s all good.