IdjitCast Season Four Episode Fifteen “Death Takes a Holiday”

This week, in a small town, people have stopped dying, and alas, Captain Jack Harkness is nowhere in sight. In order to track down who or what is responsible the boys decide it is time to be a ghost. The two speak to a recently dead boy and try to figure out why the local reaper is lying down on the job.

Allie returns this week, and we all get into a lively discussion, involving such things as:

Recording milestones, housing to cut down the miles.

“You don’t have one…”

Rules “don’t,” “haven’t,” or “shouldn’t” apply to you?

Monster fighters stole my identity.

Accents are either the best or too over-the-top…

Kim Manners did episodes of “AutoMan” and “Sledge Hammer!”

Paul doubles down on a bad punchline.

…and then a new bad punchline.

Only culture as old as a yogurt.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Newb-entary for “Death Takes a Holiday”

We’ve got a smaller crew this week, but we hope you will grab a playable copy of the episode “Death Takes a Holiday” and watch along with us!

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Season Four Episode Fourteen “Sex and Violence”

This week, Dean is into a new FBI agent who is almost like a brother Dean can really relate to as compared to bookish, secret-keeping Sam. Meanwhile, Sam is into a Medical Examiner who keeps liquor in her desk and has sex on her desk. One of these two new characters is in fact a dangerous siren, looking to get one of the brothers inspired with enough jealousy to kill the other.

Listen as we discuss the episode “Sex and Violence,” and you might hear:

Kicking off with veterinary woes, and right into a Buffy reference.

A little more housing news before we are into the episode proper.

Chekov’s meat tenderizer.

Bedford British Columbia.

Small town strip clubs, got them near you?

More like a shot of wheat ass, if you get my drift.

No honey in your average honeywagon. Gross name for anyplace, especially a strip joint.

Paul missed by about 100 years:

Paul thinks he’s so smart, but he fell for a red herring.

Not necessarily a long length…

Love in a fishbowl.

Sha la la la la la…

Yeah, but that’s Dean.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Season Four Episode Thirteen “After School Special”

This week if you are wondering what is going on with all those seals, you may be disappointed. But if you love Winchester Brothers backstory building, you are in luck! The boys work undercover as staff at a high school they actually attended for a while back in the day.

If you listen to our episode, these things come up:

Sadly, the ailing pets have all passed on…

Old Man Maki asks a question.

Do you kids need a lozenge?

Who is called Barry?

Paul tells Jason no-last-name to see him next Tuesday.

Playground balls, right?

Objective: hit someone.

Dean broke into what now?

We get a peek at John’s Wooderson.

Bugs, why did it have to be bugs?

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Season Four Episode Twelve “Criss Angel is a Douchebag”

Oh Brad, I’m mad- Wait that’s not it. It’s magic time, and no not the ten minutes of Magic Fingers back at the motel. The magicians are aging, and the upstarts are douchebags. When a particularly depressed performer decides to end it all spectacularly in a “failed” performance he suddenly finds he can’t die, resulting in inexplicable magic escapes. When the deaths begin to transfer to other rival performers, Sam & Dean take note and come to put things right.

This week, if you listen to the episode, you’ll get magical nuggets discussing:

Have an In-N-Out burger, or some Popeye’s, but skip the rest of fast food.

Douchebaggery confirmed.

We endorse both Spin City and Rocky Horror.

But not the Rocky Horror episode of Glee, apparently.

Fletch, yes, Fletch Lives, god no.

It is cool to die… like that at least.

The glittering Sioux City Strip.

Sol Bloom composed that tune.

Just what is Dom etiquette?

Oh dear, corsets.

Paul might not rate a snack, but it sounds like he is getting ready to.

I don’t think it deserves comparison to “I Robot You Jane…”

Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Season Four Episode Eleven “Family Remains”

This week incest is the worst, but then we could have told you that ahead of time.

For some reason we were on our own with no guest host this week. I guess this episode bugs people. Odd, why would I say it “bugs” people?

Listen to the episode and you may hear:

A quick thought on the prior episode allows Paul a Buffy reference. (Shocking!)

X Files “Home” connects in more than one way.

Worse than being your own grandpa?

That was Helen Slater? Really?

Fun with Belgians.

Rollerball remake, yep that was it.

Shopping mall, renaissance festival. You know, one of those.

You don’t need to know what “Human Centipede” was.

“Yeah, those bulbs are all burnt out.”

I know how to say lath.

Creepy porn towel.

The sigh that speaks volumes.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Not Quite Heaven, A Bit More Like Hell

Maybe I’m an Idjit, but due to circumstances mostly out of our control there is no episode this week.  Next week, we will be back to normal publication, but the episode for “Heaven and Hell” is lost…

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Season Four Episode Nine “I Know What You Did Last Summer”

This week we learn that Sam got it on with Ruby, and when he did, he was doing it with a dead body possessed by Ruby, and not also with an innocent victim looking on from inside the body’s brain.  Because that is mildly less icky. Sort of.

This week, “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” It was the above, apparently. Also, a girl can hear the angels talking, Hell wants her, and Heaven wants to kill her. Listen as we puzzle it all out, sometimes in great detail, you might hear things like:

Kitty might take herself out after seeing crappy rushed Photoshop work.

Counting Crows Black Crowes


Paul successfully avoids spoiling the Buffy finale, if you haven’t seen it yet…

Many truckers are really cool people.

A Lecter accent.

Welcome to ExistentialCast

Yeah, well Sam put some essence in there…

We didn’t really need to see Ruby waiting for discharge from the hospital, did we?

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Season Four Episode Eight “Wishful Thinking”

This week, the power of the wish can make anything happen, but that is not necessarily a good thing, is it? Poor teddy might not think so. Heidi joins us again this week as we discuss the episode “Wishful Thinking.”

Before we get started… There’s even more a lot more Supernatural to come, folks.

…And that’s even if we don’t investigate the anime.

A brief history of Steiff

Snoopy has been located since time of recording.

Poor Teddy? Poor Paddington!!

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Newb-entary for “Wishful Thinking”

We wished Heidi would pay us special attention and *POOF* she joined us for a viewing.

Grab a playable copy of the episode “Wishful Thinking,” and watch along with us! We have a decent bunch of names for a Mad Magazine parody of Supernatural in here…

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

PS – Not a weird purple boa behind Sam’s head, that’s a false-color blowup of salmonella…