IdjitCast Season One Episode Twenty “Dead Man’s Blood”

In a Colorado town, a Hunter is killed by vampires, and when the news gets to them all three Winchester men arrive to deal with the aftermath. When John receives a posthumous letter, the mission takes on dire importance. Seems a magical Colt revolver has been stolen, a superweapon which will kill any supernatural being with a single shot. Mopping up the nest brings them closer, and now John and the boys are united. They are now on the hunt for the demon that caused their family so much heartache, with a weapon that can actually finish it off.

Carol from McKinleyCast returns to guest this week. Check out the art on this blog post or the Facebook group to see confirmation that the Colt is in fact a 5-shooter, with no extra bullets. That’s one down, four to go.

Listen along as:

Yvette gets her vampires.

We discuss SPN vampires and deviations from the “usual rules.”

We dispense potentially vital advice:Don’t put a skylight in your saferoom.

We decide JW is probably not Joss Whedon.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

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Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

Season Three Episode Six “The Promised End”

This week, it all comes down to this. Charles is out of the hospital, and wants to do the show. This is complicated by Geoffrey’s forced resignation and the full cancellation of “King Lear” at the festival. Can Geoffrey convince Ellen to return from the world of television acting? Can he put up the show at a clandestine location. And will the cast even show up, given that the Festival could blackball them from working in New Burbage ever again?

Meanwhile, Richard searches for a new Artistic Director, but is he about to turn to the Dark Side?

Listen in as:

We name bands…

Insurance adjusting for fun & profit.

All Canadian chicks look the same???

Richard is no Howard the Duck.

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Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!

Bonus Newb-entary for “Dead Man’s Blood!”

Grab your DVD or streaming account! John leads Yvette through watching “Dead Man’s Blood” for the first time. (Honestly, the first time…)

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season One Episode Nineteen “Provenance”

After a couple is mysteriously and viciously slashed to death inside their locked house, Sam & Dean seek out an enchanted object in their belongings. A painting of a family with a history of death by straight-razor becomes the center of focus. When the painting appears indestructible, and an auctioneer continues to offer it out for sale, what can the Winchesters do to stop the string of grisly murders?

This week we are joined once more by Simone (ask her about the flying car, coming soon…)

It’s a shopping show.

Yogurt. It’s code. Really gross code.

Get on the Dean Bus.

Mmmmmm PEZ.

“Creepy Doll” is by Jonathan Coulton, not me. He owns it and distributes with a Creative Commons license. If you like it, it is from “Thing a Week Four” which you can find at iTunes. But you really should check out all his stuff and buy it at

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season One Episode Eighteen “Something Wicked”

The place is Fitchberg, Wisconsin – er, I mean Fitchburg. This week Sam & Dean try to solve a series of child illnesses resulting in comas, with odd patterns of infection. The case has Dean flashing back to an incident from childhood when his actions put at least Sam’s life, and perhaps all subsequent victims lives, in danger.

Simone joins us in our discussion!

Listen in as…

Puss = Face… It’s a whole thing… you’ll have to listen.

We discuss models of parenting

Scabettios are actually Puskettios, remember this!

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

GhostLight Podcast Season Three Episode Five “All Blessed Secrets”

Anna knows cancer drugs. Richard says he knows where the line is. Sophie finds Paul with Megan, and Richard finds Charles with heroin. Ellen goes to TV and Lear goes to hell. Geoffrey gets hit in the face with a cancellation, and Jerry gets hit in the face with a bottle.

Listen in as…

Paul has co-hosts with names, but does he use them?

Richard is the worst, the line was way back there!

Anime eyes come up, you’ll have to listen to find out why…

IdjitCast Season One Episode Seventeen “Hell House”

This week Dean and Sam are in Texas, investigating a haunted house on the outskirts of Richardson. They need to puzzle out the tale of a failing farmer who killed his whole family and himself. Perhaps they will be aided by a couple “Professional Ghost Hunters,” complete with a website and Hollywood ambitions? Perhaps they will be hindered as they attempt to one-up each other in a prank battle royale…

This week we are joined by Emily from the Yes, Mother & McKinleyCast Podcasts!

Listen in as…

We have tips for pranks on the sleeping or intoxicated.

Paul gets his lyric drop, Darcy revisits a classic.

Darcy sees… underwear?

We might reveal we could possibly be Buffy fans…

We apologize if you are a German automaton

Paul mentions the rotten onions in the sucking vent…

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

Bonus Paulentary for “Hell House!”

Hey there, one more commentary for the week. Enjoy!

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

Bonus Newb-entary for “Hell House!”

It’s a commentary week, first up is John & Yvette!

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

GhostLight Podcast Season Three Episode Four “Every Inch a King”

Look out for Big Dick, though you can’t see his nipples. (Apologies if that sentence gets this blocked on your work computer.) Richard is riding high on at very least the reviews of “East Hastings.” The buzz may get killed, however, as the Lear comes to its premiere. Charles is still very erratic, although the heroin still works wonders for him. After an awkward Bolivian music interlude, Geoffrey (on the verge of weeping in public) makes Big Dick go out and cancel the opening.

Listen in as…

Darcy wants a spanking.

Darcy tries “The Pineapple Trick.”

Ben learns about TimBits.

Send us your feedback!

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!