Idjitcast Newb-entary “Simon Said”

Today John leads Yvette, Paul, and Darcy through a viewing commentary of “Simon Said.” Hey, Simon Said put in your copy of the DVD’s or cue up your Netflix. Simon Said get the episode ready for viewing. Simon Said start listening to this podcast. Now take the nearest book or magazine and drape it over your head like a hat.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

(Did you put reading material on your head? You’re OUT! I didn’t say Simon Said…)


Idjitcast Season Two Episode Four “Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things”

This week, a visit to their mother’s grave puts Dean atop a giant circle of dead plant matter. Is it, as Sam asserts, some kind of groundskeeping mishap? Well, it this show called “Groundskeeping?” See Jon Cryer resurrect his crush to possibly be his ice-cold zombie lover from beyond the grave. “Really?” you ask. To which I confess, “Well, sorta…”

We celebrate the triumphant return of Allie to the Idjitcast, and…

Iris’ cough continues.

We make parallels between the cold open, Nick Cage, and Bill Murray…

We ponder Fletch casting for a new millenium.

Tangent fans will enjoy the whole episode, and should listen after the closing music this week…

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Three “Bloodlust”

Sam and Dean are back in black, the freshly-repaired Impala that is. The color they explore this week however is actually grey. They meet another hunter like themselves, Gordon, looking for the same vampires they are. When Sam finds out these vampires may have turned to good for their own survival, can Sam convince Dean and Gordon that things are not just black-and-white?

Aaron Jackson joins us this week, and you can hear us discuss the show, including these topics:

You, sir, are no Wilford Brimley.

Sexy doctor problem.

His name is Gordon, but we’ll call him “Charles.”

Stop pokin’ me.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

Newb-entary for “Bloodlust”

John and Yvette have recorded a commentary track for the episode “Bloodlust.” Listen along with the episode, and be ready to hear the full episode discussion next week!

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Two “Everybody Loves a Clown”

This week, the Winchester boys hunt a killer clown to distract from their grief having lost their father. Does the first bit sound a little like a cliché? Maybe… the recipe for this episode could have used more Curry?

Anyhow, Nutty joins a slightly smaller-than-normal crew. This week you’ll hear discussion of:

What bridge exactly?

No, the other Meg…

Darcy reminisces about meeting Paul the first time.

Also, would you clean that toilet?

(In other words, tangents in the house, y’all…)

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two, Episode One “In My Time of Dying”

Following an extended Holiday/Influenza break and the start of a brand new job in television for Paul, it is time for Season Two to get underway.

Carol Swift joins us as we look at the first episode of the new season.

Following immediately on from the horrific semi vs. Metallicar crash which ended Season One, Dean finds he has left his body, which is teetering on the edge of death. He befriends a pretty girl who is apparently in a similar situation, but she may have secrets for him to unravel. Meanwhile, John is working behind Sam’s back, trying to cut a deal that will return Dean to health.

Listen in as:

We discuss a matter of distance.

We discover we only know so much of the music, but it may be all better on Netflix now…

Which door? Not sure if Dean was coming or going…

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season One Episode Twenty-Two “Devil’s Trap”

This is it, the last episode of Season One of Supernatural! Meg gets some exorcize. The boys work to get back dad, and have to face off against the demon that has taken up residence in him. And we have… resolution?

Listen as we question whether anything actually happened.

Hear John and guest Mallika marvel at the Newbies’ lack of reaction to the end of the episode.

Find out what member of Idjitcast sadly must leave us…

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

Newb-entary for “Devil’s Trap”

This week another commentary as John leads Yvette, Darcy & Paul through their first viewing of “Devil’s Trap!”

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season One Episode 21 “Salvation”

This week, the final battle has begun. The Winchesters have tracked the next demon attack to Salvation, Iowa. However, as they finalize their plans to kill the demon that has tormented their family and so many others, they get a disturbing phone call. It is Meg, previously believed dead. She has embarked upon a campaign to kill everyone they have ever cared about, and she will only stop when the mystical Colt revolver is in her hands. John must attempt a subterfuge involving an ordinary antique, leaving the boys in Salvation to use the real Colt on the demon.

Listen in as:

Paul gets smooth, or rather will do, sometime in another 190-200 episodes…

Hey Listener! Do you have any examples of psychic visions causing headaches prior to “Angel?”

Darcy & Yvette want to know: What’s your favorite brand of holy water?

Paul takes a stand…

Then we talk fallen angels and their brides. It was a thing.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

Newb-entary for “Salvation”

This week John leads Yvette, Darcy and Paul in their first-time viewing of the penultimate episode of Season One.

(John heard a phantom swear word in there somewhere, because it is not where he said he’d heard one…)

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!