IdjitCast Newb-entary for “Nightshifter”

This week, John is joined by Carol as Guest Expert. Newbies Paul and Darcy are along as we record a commentary track for the episode “Nightshifter.”

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Eleven “Playthings”

A hidden presence in an old mansion is killing off those who would move the owners from the place. Posing as no-really-we’re-just-brothers-gay-panic antiquers, Sam & Dean investigate the creepy bellhop, the creepy dolls, and the not creepy neglected old woman in the attic.

Nutty joins us, as we come up with the following:

She ain’t making any soap, that’s good.

At least we didn’t have to watch that little girl devour he own face.

These little poltergeists are rolling back prices!

Left to his own devices, Dean would have been pokin’ the old lady.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast TangentCast 01

Tangent fans, rejoice!

Tangent haters, you might skip this one.

This mini has about 1% connection to “Supernatural,” it is almost all tangent, with Fox and Nutty on assist, and we chat on:



Tree-trimming equipment!

Watch later this week for a full episode that has much more actual “Supernatural” content, as Nutty joins us to discuss “Playthings!”

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Ten “Hunted”

Someone is killing people “like Sam.” It turns out that according to John Winchester’s last whispered secret, Dean needs to watch Sam closely and if it becomes too late, kill him. Dean wants to stay put, out of harm’s way, but Sam wants to find the others like him, so he splits off on his own. Good ol’ no-gray-areas Gordon turns out to be the killer, and he has Sam in his sights. Can a vision from a new third party save Sam from a noisy and bloody death? Find out on this week’s episode.

No guest this week, and we still manage to reveal…

Familiar looking… Canadian looking.

As a mother you have to let your child grow, and develop… and hunt demons… and kill things.

We may be talking about getting drunk at 10:00 in the morning, but we won’t actually get there until 11 or 12.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Nine “Croatoan”

Based on Sam’s vision of Dean shooting a guy in a small town in Oregon, what is the best course of action for the brothers? Never going to that town, because then Dean will never have to shoot the guy? Nope, in fact the best course of action is to go there right away. I can’t explain the logic, but perhaps you’d like to know more. If so, watch “Croatoan” and then listen along to this week’s episode!

Nutty joins us in progress, and we discuss along the way…


Random choice, SVU, but correct!

Chekov’s explosives didn’t go off.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Eight “Crossroad Blues”

Got the blues? Well, unless it is because you sold your soul to a demon for all eternity in exchange for ten years of wish and now hellhounds are enroute to collect, you ain’t got as much blues as these folks. In defending one poor deal-maker, Dean learns more of John’s deal for his life, something he long suspected but now is confirmed.

Allie rejoins our usual gang for the following discoveries:

Real life monsters hate the smell of pancakes.

Roller rinks may have carried less insurance in the past.

John is full of something else…

Mmmm, steak.

If it looks like Mom, and smells like Mom, it’s Mom.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Seven “The Usual Suspects”

This week Supernatural fills out a thin script with a little stunt casting. Dean is suspected of murder, while the ghost they were investigating gets inexplicably cryptic. Sit down with your favorite pea soup and listen along…

Darcy is once more on assignment at a bridal show for some reason, but we have with us our loyal guest Carol, who helps us discover:

That the show is capable of respecting important Season One events, even aside from the main show backstory.

John met a somewhat tired Linda Blair at a con once, and Yvette shares some dating history (hint, she didn’t date Linda Blair).

Character names as Buffy reference.

We mistake an inkjet printer for a fax machine, then discuss our secrets to forgery we never employ.

We take a detour down Rockford Road.

We discover America’s big balls and Paul takes time to drop reference to his podcast novella.

Update! The file has been re-uploaded, hopefully intact for your use! Sorry for the inconvenience.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Newb-entary for “The Usual Suspects”

Sit down with your DVD or streaming and listen along as Paul and Darcy record an impromptu commentary this week for the episode “The Usual Suspects!”

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Six “No Exit”

The Supernatural staff finds a bottle labeled “X-Files Alien Parasite” and upends it all over the set… but seriously, there is a real-life historical figure at the heart of this week’s show, and Jo is figuratively hitching a ride on the boys’ investigation. Or, the boys are literally grabbing Jo’s case. Either way, Ellen has been predicting disaster should Jo ever wind up in the hunting field. Before Dean can say “I promise we’ll get her back,” the trust ship has sailed. So can Dean deliver and return Jo to safety, and is there any such thing as safety when Ellen arrives in Philadelphia?

Our spooky skeleton crew finds out:

It turns out Nebraska is for corn lovers.

Dean plays Knifey-Spoony. But does he have the set?

John teases a fascinating fact about Ash and his non-appearance in this episode, but does not deliver.

What’s better, finding a hidey-hole or stealing a truck?

“The Devil in the White City” is by Erik Larson

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!  

IdjitCast Season Two Episode Five “Simon Said”

This week, a man who can “push” people to get what he wants. What he wants is to live in a van reading philosophy and smoking a rather large bong. He can get coffee from people, and if he fancies a certain Impala, why this nice young man named Dean gives him the keys. The problem in this idyllic existence turns out to be his previously unknown evil twin brother, who also “pushes” people. The brother pushes people to kill other people and/or themselves, at the encouragement of a helpful yellow-eyed fellow. When the pushier pusher pushes the less-pushy pusher, can only the pushiest pusher can push on to survival? (Hey, I didn’t have to read it aloud, so what the hell?)

Superguest Carol Swift joins us as things become apparent:

Paul’s voice is thrashed this time.

John’s had his coffee.

Yvette’s going to name the characters as she will.

We get to the “meat” of the main cast issue…

Did someone burn some peanut butter?

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

Voicemail: 206-309-9389 Please Use the Episode Title in the first sentence or two!