IdjitCast Season Four Episode Twenty-Two “Lucifer Rising”

The apocalypse is coming, Lucifer could be unleashed at any minute, so of course the angels have a special plan for Dean. They take him to a magic room and lock him up so he is powerless to stop it.  Of course!

Matt A joins us for discussion of the Season 4 finale “Lucifer Rising!”

Listen to the episode and you might hear:

Bad wigs and funny accents.

Paul claims the Robin Burdge slot on the show.

Every TV movie stars Kellie Martin.

Betty’s Pies is awesome.

We must lie in our beds ten years.

The harps and cheeseburgers of heaven as have been foretold.

Mulder’s genie?

Paul recalls all the way back to Phantom Traveller

Drink something? Really?

Jimmy has a Jimmy

Something about Dumbo

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

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IdjitCast Newbentary for “Lucifer Rising”

Someone gets kidnapped to a simulated hotel room, someone starts the apocalypse, and someone gets “blowed up real good.” Plus, someone titular may or may not appear.

Grab a playable copy of “Lucifer Rising” and listen this week as our Newbies watch the episode for the very first time.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Season Four Episode Twenty-One “When the Levee Breaks”

Cold turkey in the panic room. Sam has been locked in by Dean, and lack of that sweet demon blood in his system had Sam questioning everything he sees as a series of hallucinations and delusions threaten his sanity, possibly permanently.

This week: “When the Levee Breaks.” Listen as we discuss the episode and you may hear:

What’s worse, perennially hearing the “Soundtrack to Annie” or perennially hearing Ylvis?

Tasty tasty Donut Souls… So much sweeter than a Munchkin or a TimBit.

Anyone want an EasyBake Oven?

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Season Four Episode Twenty “The Rapture”

This week, Castiel goes bye-bye, and the boys are left to deal with his vessel, Jimmy, who was a devoted family man and may no longer feel quite so dedicated to the cause as when he voluntarily allowed Castiel in last year…

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Season Four Episode Nineteen “Jump the Shark”

This week, the boys have a brother. Well a half-brother. Well a half-brother and the guy on screen isn’t even him, so… Yeah a dead half-brother. And it sounds like it activated the brains of a segment of the fan base in some way.

Aaron joins us this week to figure this all out.

Listen and you may hear:

Hands off all balls during this podcast!

Spoiled? A bit, I guess.

Which 6 are the last 6?

Gonna do it in the new bedroom?

Dapper John chimes in.

Paul takes a jab at Little House on the Prairie.

Hard out there for a ghoul.

“I would never put your child in a vent.”

“Okay, in real life grave robbery is pretty gross, I mean that’s not a cool thing to do…”

Wacky funeral tangent.

No-one’s gonna eat your eyes.

Off like a bad limberger.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Season Four Episode Eighteen “The Monster at the End of This Book”

No time for a detailed list of the minutiae discussed within, but suffice to say we are getting back on track and back to some normalcy.

To celebrate, have a new episode!

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Newbentary for “Monster at the End of This Book”

Nutty joins John and the newbies for another Newbentary episode, but where’s Grover?

Grab a playable copy of “Monster at the End of This Book” and watch along with us!

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Season Four Episode Seventeen “It’s a Terrible Life”

You get up, have a smoothie, drive to work listening to NPR, get to the office, sit behind a desk, push papers all day. Or maybe you work in a tech support call center, answering call after call about checking cable connections or rebooting computers. And yet, if you are Dean Smith and Sam Wesson, something nags at the back of your brains, something you should be doing, a purpose, a mission. All you need to do is want the mission. Can Dean and Sam figure out what to do to get back to their lives, using their wits and some handy hunting tips from the GhostFacers? Or will they be stuck in cubicle hell forever?

This week, Nutty rejoins the crew for a full-featured discussion of the episode “It’s a Terrible Life.” Listen along and you may hear:

American Psycho Dean

“Besmirched” by Polo

Sobbing at spreadsheets?

“Your head’s kinda like part of a turkey.” -Darcy

Why in the world would Paul mix up John Cleese with Dabney Coleman???

Dubble Blubble?

Fingers in puppets.

Creepy baby teeth.

Canadian heroin

Guns tangent.

Flee the nicotine-yellow polar bears

Historic bisections

Flexing… muscles…

Quote Pocket Holes

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Newbentary for “It’s a Terrible Life”

First off, best wishes from all of us at Idjitcast to newlyweds Jack and Tiffany Mangan!

It’s a Newbentary Week! Grab a playable copy of “It’s a Terrible Life” and join in with the gang and special guest Nutty while we watch and chat along.

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!

IdjitCast Season Four Episode Sixteen “On the Head of a Pin”

This week, what better way to get someone over their guilt over torturing people for years and years in hell than to force them to torture in an aimless attempt to learn something they don’t actually know?


The worst thing you say?

Yeah, it pretty much is the worst way.

Join us for our discussion of “On the Head of a Pin” and you may hear:


Sausage King


Land of the Lost to Fringe to Star Trek. All tangents on display…

Got basement?

Ugh coat…

In no way sponsored by Sprite Zero

More votes Pro Denise Bryson than Con…

Send us your feedback! You can also find a rough schedule of our recording dates here.

Email: Please Put the Episode Title in the Subject Line!