Quadruple Z Episode #017 – Review of Veronica Mars S1x1 – Pilot


Join Tabz, Kim and Emma as they discuss one of their favorite shows Veronica Mars.

Veronica’s junior year at Neptune High gets off to a rocky start as she is targeted by the P.C.H. Biker Gang for helping a snitch who later becomes one of her best friends.

Meanwhile, her dad, Keith, forbids Veronica to investigate Jake Kane, a local billionaire and father of Duncan Kane, her ex-boyfriend. Ignoring his orders, she makes a shocking discovery about her family’s past (from TV.com)

This episode was edited by John N.


Tabz (aka Tabitha Grace Smith) is a omnivorous geek with a special love of television. She's a writer, social media strategist, and teacher. In her spare time she blogs over at Doctor Her (a Doctor Who blog) and runs Between the Lines Studios.

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