Joss Whedon fans are reaching their goal to raise $150,000 at the “Can’t Stop The Serenity” Worldwide Charity Events

Season Finale Charity Auction offers chance to tour Dollhouse costume department and more

Since 2006, fans of popular cult television and film writer/director Joss Whedon have hosted charity events worldwide to raise money for Equality Now, a charity dedicated to promoting the human rights of beleaguered women and girls. In 2009, they have already raised over $128,000 for charity. This auction aims to reach the goal of $150,000 raised by “Can’t Stop the Serenity” in 2009.

For the fourth year in a row, in over 50 cities across 7 countries, thousands of people around the world have participated in “Can’t Stop the Serenity” fund-raising events to benefit “Equality Now,” a charity organization working to protect the basic human rights of women and girls across the planet. Since 2006, more than a quarter of a million dollars has been raised, and in 2009 we’re aiming to add another $150,000. And we’re almost there.

The final effort to reach that goal is a global charity auction, featuring dozens of prizes that will be much sought after by fans.

One of the auction highlights is a chance to tour the Dollhouse costume department with costume designer, Shawna Trpcic. With the recent news heralding the cancellation of Joss Whedon’s latest television adventure, this is a once-in-a-lifetime never-to-be-repeated chance to get up close and personal with a piece of the Dollhouse. This may be one of the last opportunities for a lucky fan to see the depths of the Dollhouse wardrobe, and explore the many looks of Echo, Sierra, Victor, Adele, Topher, Boyd, Ballard and the rest of the Dollhouse team. Shawna Trpcic is the creative genius behind the unique looks of each of the dolls as they go from persona to persona, and has generously donated this rare chance to take a behind the scenes look into this cult series. In addition to Dollhouse, Shawna is also responsible for costume design on Firefly and Dr Horrible’s Sing-along Blog.

Other prizes up for grabs is autographed memborabilia from Joss Whedon, Dollhouse‘s Dichen Lachman, the cast of the Emmy Award Winning Dr Horrible’s Sing-along Blog, and Felicia Day’s The Guild, as well as props from Serenity and Dollhouse, rare scripts and more.

The auctions will run until the end of November, and a full list of prizes can be found on the Can’t Stop the Serenity Auction Guide.

All proceeds from the auction will be donated to Equality Now to help fight for the rights of women and girls who can’t fight for themselves.

For more information on the auction, see or contact:
Jen Cummings
Global CSTS Auction Coordinator
About Can’t Stop the Serenity:
Conceived in late 2005 by Christopher “TheOneTrueB!x” Frankonis, “Can’t Stop the Serenity” (or “Serenity Now/Equality Now” as it was known in it’s first year) included over 41 charity screenings in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, most held around June 23 (Joss Whedon’s birthday). All to benefit Equality Now, one of writer/director Whedon’s favorite charities. And all organised entirely by volunteer fans. This staggering achievement raised over US$65,000 and began a movement that is growing stronger each year. In 2007, 42 cities in 7 countries raised over US$106,000. And in 2008, this grew to 45 cities and over US$107,000 for Equality Now. Over $250,000 has been raised for Equality Now to date. In 2009, we are proud to have 55 cities in 7 countries involved in Can’t Stop the Serenity.

About Joss Whedon:
Whedon is a well known proponent of encouraging gender equality, from his mother being actively involved in Amnesty International and helping to found Equality Now precessing his dedication to the organization, to the well known strong female characters he has created in stories like Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Dollhouse, Firefly and Serenity. “There are two ways to fight a battle like ours.” says Joss Whedon, “One is to whisper in the ear of the masses, try subtly and gradually to change the gender expectations and mythic structures of our culture. That’s me. The other is to step up and confront the thousands of atrocities that are taking place around the world on an immediate, one-by-one basis. That’s a great deal harder, and that’s Equality Now. It’s not about politics; it’s about basic human decency.”

About Equality Now:
Equality Now was founded in 1992 to work for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women around the world. Working with national human rights organizations and individual activists, Equality Now documents violence and discrimination against women and mobilizes international action to support their efforts to stop these human rights abuses. For more information, visit or contact Amanda Sullivan, Director, Women’s Action Network, Equality Now at (212) 586-0906

About Serenity:
A passenger with a deadly secret. Six rebels on the run. An assassin in pursuit. When the renegade crew of Serenity agrees to hide a fugitive on their ship, they find themselves in an action-packed battle between the relentless military might of a totalitarian regime who will destroy anything – or anyone – to get the girl back and the bloodthirsty creatures who roam the uncharted areas of space. But, the greatest danger of all may be on their ship. From the mind of Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel) comes a new edge-of-your-seat adventure loaded with explosive battles, gripping special effects and fantastic new worlds!

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