TV fans to raise $150,000 for Charity at the 4th Annual “Can’t Stop The Serenity” Worldwide Movie Screenings

cstsFrom May and September 2009, fans of popular cult television and film writer/director Joss Whedon, will gather worldwide to raise money for Equality Now, a charity dedicated to promoting the human rights of beleaguered women and girls.

For the fourth year in a row, thousands of people around the world will participate in “Can’t Stop the Serenity” fund-raising events to benefit Says Amanda Sullivan, director of Equality Now: “Amazing as it is, we are heading into our fourth season of CSTS global screenings! It is a difficult time for us and a difficult time for everyone right now. So it’s especially important for all of you to know how grateful all of us at Equality Now are, and will always be, for the commitment to gender equality the Browncoats have demonstrated through their hard work and generosity.” Browncoats, like many other television fans, are dedicated to their fandom. The story of Firefly and Serenity is an interesting case in popular culture. Firefly premiered on the Fox Network experiencing a short run from September to December of 2002, before being cancelled mid-season due to low ratings and artistic disagreements with its creator, Joss Whedon. Many fans believe the show was a victim of poor promotion coupled with a bad time slot. Not content with the show’s release on DVD in 2004, the Browncoats grew in number, thriving on any content related to Firefly and bolstering DVD sales enough to merit creation of a movie epilogue to the series in 2005: Serenity.

Most fan stories usually end there, but inspired by Whedon’s fiery post on in response to the senseless “honor killing” of young Du’a Khalil, his fans continue to go above and beyond to focus their enthusiasm and community into a force for good. He says, “…All I ask is this: Do something. Try something. Speaking out, showing up, writing a letter, a check, a strongly worded e-mail. Pick a cause – there are few unworthy ones…”

Read More announces Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Guitar contest

Basic RGB, a division of Hearst Corporation, announced today an exclusive trivia contest to win a Linkin Park autographed Transformers branded Fender Guitar.

The contest starts Thursday, June 11th at 3:01PM (ET) and will end Sunday, June 14th at 11:59PM (ET), for contest rules, details and to enter please visit:

Now, I’m not one to leave a good contest to go to waste. Plus, who doesn’t love Linkin Park and Transfomers? (Strange people).

If you win though, you must send us pictures of your prize.

10 Reasons Why You Should Buy J.C. Hutchin’s Personal Effects: Dark Art

BUY Personal Effects: Dark Art NOW.

51wkbnkhjwl_sl160_My good friend, podcasting and social media innovator and cheery ball of sunshine – J.C. Hutchins has just launched his latest psychological thriller/awesome novel – Personal Effects: Dark Art. Now, if you haven’t already heard J.C. Hutchins’ amazing podcast novel trilogy –  7th Son and have been living under a rock the past couple years, you may not know why YOU MUST BUY THIS BOOK. So I, as one of those people you can trust to tell you why you should always make the right decision (like switching from your PC to a Mac), will give you the top ten reasons you should buy Personal Effects: Dark Art.

bunnies#10. J.C. Hutchins loves baby bunnies.

Despite the nail-biting, page turning, grip you by the throat and drag you off into the darkest parts of the human mind story that IS Personal Effects: Dark Art, J.C. Hutchins is a lovable, fluffy, sweet soul of a man who gives freely of his time, energy and creative spirit. Even though his characters may do terrible, horrible, unspeakable things – J.C. Hutchins is a man who bathes daily in the sweet aroma of life itself. He tried being evil once, but then he was awesome instead. True story.

Read More

You a Project Runway Superfan? Be on their TV Commercial!

projectrunway_mainI love Project Runway, it’s one of the few reality shows that I will admit to being a fan of (seriously). As most Runway fans know the show is switching from Bravo to Lifetime (after much drama). It’s been quite a wait for fans, so I’m very excited about it coming back to my TV.

If you’re a superfan and would like to appear in a Project Runway commercial Lifetime is opening up casting to fans!

From Lifetime’s website:

Project Runway Fan Commercial Casting Call

Are you a Project Runway Superfan? Are you counting the days until Heidi and Tim are finally back? Well, now you’ve got your chance to make it work – and show us whether you’re in or out. Be a part of the hype and show your stuff in the new Project Runway Superfan Commercial on Lifetime. For more details email your name and why you think you are a super-fan and would be perfect for the commercial. Feel free to send photos or links to video of yourself as well


Mobile Internet for Your Car

File this under the things Tabz salivates over: wireless internet for your car. According to an article on MSNBC: “By 2016, consumers will consider such Internet connectivity as important as traditional features such as safety and fuel economy”, said Thilo Koslowski, vice president of the Automotive Manufacturing Industry Advisory Service at market researcher Gartner, Inc.

Currently the wireless router for your car is a bit pricey ($499), but it is an option on some Chrysler and Cadillac cars, and it can be installed on cars after being bought.

Now, this may seem like a bad idea for folks who are invisioning Tabz driving in a car and using her laptop. But you forget the ONE crutial fact. Tabz doesn’t drive.

If you are concerned about folks using the internet and driving, it really is a boon for listening to internet streaming radio stations or stopping for Google map directions. I can think of a hundred times I wish I could just park somewhere and open my laptop and solve a work problem. Or comparision shop on something I just saw in the store. It’s all fine and good to do that on your iPhone or Crackberry, but having a full keyboard and mouse is nice too.

Granada America Launches Contest for Bloggers: “I’m a Blogger… Get Me Out of Here!”

“I’m a Blogger… Get Me Out of Here!” Pits Bloggers Against Each Other for a Grand Prize Trip Behind the Scenes of NBC’s “I’m a Celebrity.. Get Me Out of Here!”

i_m-a-blogger-get-me-out-of-hereEmbracing the social media sphere Granada America launched a blogger contest today to help generate buzz and excitement about “I’m a Celebrity.. Get Me Out of Here” which premiers June 1st, 2009.

Running until June 11th, the competition will consist of three separate challenges for participating bloggers, each consisting of a research or experience assignment that they’ll have to blog (300-500 words) or a video blog (2-3 minutes) about. Topics may range from the finer points of insect eating to the mating rituals of some of the furry little things the celebs will soon be calling their neighbors. The posts will all go up on, where they will be voted on by America. Half of the competitors will be voted off of the blogosphere island after each round, leaving the final three to compete for the grand prize: a trip to Costa Rica to live blog from the set of the reality show “I’m a Celebrity Get me Out of Here!” from June 17 – 22nd.

Premiering June 1st, “I’m a Celebrity Get me Out of here” is the ultimate Swiss Family Robinson-style competition. Ten celebrities will be dropped into the heart of the jungle to face fun and comedic challenges designed to test their survival skills. America is the puppet master, controlling their favorites by putting them into challenges and tasks to win food, supplies and luxury items. In each episode, friendships will be tested, patience tried and hilarity will certainly ensue. Viewers will decide which celebrities stay or leave. While all participants will be playing for their favorite charities, the last remaining star will be crowned King or Queen of the Jungle, winning the largest share of the prize for donation.

John Lithgow Signs on for Dexter

10846953_profile_mbox_backgroundTVGuide just announced that John Lithgow has signed on for the 2009-2010 season of Dexter.

The Emmy-winning actor will play Walter Simmons, aka the “Trinity Killer,” so named because he murders in threes. Simmons is a mild-mannered suburbanite who shows up in Miami, on the run from FBI Special Agent Frank Lundy. (Keith Carradine returns as Lundy after a season-long absence.) Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall) becomes infatuated with the Trinity Killer’s methods, and his ability to evade capture for more than 30 years.

Lithgow will appear in all 12 episodes of Season 4, which premieres Sunday, Sept. 27.

Lithgow is probably best known for his role as Dr. Dick Solomon, on 3rd Rock from the Sun or as the voice of Lord Farquaad in Shrek.

One can only imagine what having Lithgow as a villian (object of fascination) on Dexter will mean. I can totally see him in the role (no offense Lithgow). There’s something about comedians playing dramatic bad guys that just makes it extra special.

New York Web TV Meetup Presents Special Evening with You Suck at Photoshop

The New York Web TV Meetup Presents…

A Very Special Evening with
You Suck at Photoshop
Matt Bledsoe and Troy Hitch of Big Fat Brain

Wednesday June 3, 2009
For Your Imagination Studios
22 W. 27th St. – 6th Floor – 6:30PM

Presented by Tilzy.TV, The New York Web TV Meetup is a monthly event devoted to celebrating and supporting innovation in the exploding digital entertainment industry by bringing together the dynamic community devoted to online entertainment.

Each month, we’ll take an in-depth look at the processes and people behind some of the most successful entertainment products created for broadband distribution, followed by networking with industry peers, artists, executives, producers, and up-and-comers.

Marvel Casts Chris Hemsworth as Thor

Want to catch up before the movie? Buy Thor Volume 1 from Amazon

Marvel announced recently that Chris Hemsworth has been cast to play the lead in their newest comic-book-blockbuster – Thor, which is currently set to release in the summer of 2011. Thor is one of the characters needed for The Avengers, which includes Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and Captain America (and later incarnations included Spider-Man).

Chris Hemsworth is most recently familiar  for his role as George Kirk, Captain Kirk’s father, in the new Star Trek movie. From the brief moments he was on screen I can see him taking this role and doing amazing things with it.