Season six of Supernatural was full of surprises. Click the link to read. SPOILERS FOR SEASON 6. Buy it now on DVD and Blu-Ray
Of course, one of the earliest surprises was Dean’s domesticality (yes, I just made that word up). Dean settled happily into a domestic life (which we saw previously that he was dreaming of for a long time). When Sam and Dean stumble across a baby it’s Dean who is at ease taking care of the kid and not the more sensitive Sam.
Not that I should have been surprised by this softer side of Dean. It’s been obvious from the get go that he’s got a soft spot for kids and, as Sam’s big brother he was cast into the role of parent early on. It reminds me of this article I once read about a rough and tumble biker adopting a baby who was super sick (and no one thought would make it past one year of age). This intense, almost scary looking man became a giant teddy bear with that girl in his arms. Same thing with “bad boy” Dean.
Do you want to see the softer side of Dean Winchester? Buy Season 6 on DVD and Blu-Ray!
I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Supernatural Season 6 on DVD.