Music Review: Sub Pop’s Cybersex Digital Sampler (2009) [CWG Review]

subpopI’ve started doing some album reviews for CWG and I thought you guys might enjoy. Make sure to read the entire review over at CWG! – Tabz

Reviewing a compilation CD is a bit like reviewing a cheerleading squad. You have to not only score the relative hotness of each girl as an individual, but how they work together as a team. Then you must factor in things such as presentation, costumes and pep. So when I sat down to review Sub Pop’s Cybersex Digital Sampler (2009), I was a bit overwhelmed, but in a good way.

Sub Pop Records is a Prolific Seattle label that has a quirky, buck-the-system attitude to making music, as evidenced by their album. You won’t hear a sugary pop song on this album, but instead you’ll hear compelling lyrics, complex rhythms and tambourines. Yes, I’ve got a thing for tambourines, so sue me.

First up on the album is “Strictly Rule” by the band Vetiver. This is probably one of my favorite songs on the entire sampler. I love the incorporation of 70’s style rock with a smooth vocal that gives it a simple but profound sound. The lyrics are perfect and I love how they turn common phrases (“Once chased now this bitter taste as I swallow my pride…”).

Read More Over at Chicks with Guns.
Buy Tight Rope by Vetiver


Tabz (aka Tabitha Grace Smith) is a omnivorous geek with a special love of television. She's a writer, social media strategist, and teacher. In her spare time she blogs over at Doctor Her (a Doctor Who blog) and runs Between the Lines Studios.

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