‘The Buried Life’ Asks MTV Viewers One Question: ‘What Do You Want To Do Before You Die?’

theburiedlife31Beginning in December 2009, MTV viewers can tag along for the ride of a lifetime with the new series, “The Buried Life.” This real-life adventure documents the epic journey of four young men, Duncan, Ben, Jonnie and Dave, as they travel the continent in their purple bus, Penelope, to pursue their wildest dreams, learning from their successes and struggles along the way. As the cameras roll, the group of four explores life with a list of 100 things they’d like to do before they die. This aspirational list includes everything from kissing the stunning Megan Fox to helping a woman give birth to a baby. Along the way, the guys make a promise that for each item they cross off their list, they’ll help a perfect stranger accomplish one of their dreams.

“These guys are on a mission to change lives, spread hope and make dreams come true, while also having the time of their lives and fulfilling their own dreams. It is an amazing journey, and we are proud to be a partner in this inspirational and uniquely entertaining series. It’s more than just a show. . . it’s a movement,” said Tony DiSanto, President of Programming for MTV.

“These guys are young, creative and committed to trying to change the world by helping others realize their passions and achieve their dreams,” said Howard T. Owens, Managing Director of Reveille. “We’re excited to work with our partners at MTV to bring ‘The Buried Life’ to a huge audience and inspire viewers to go after their own life goals.”

Through the course of the season, viewers will ride along with the gang of four as they try to pull off unbelievable stunts and realize their dreams- sometimes succeeding, sometimes not. Fans will get to know Duncan, the oldest of the group at age 26, who is a bit of a wild card with a heart of gold; Ben, the 25 year-old ringleader who will do whatever it takes to get things done; Jonnie, Duncan’s 22 year- old younger brother, who is a blogger and philosopher, and who girls seem to fall in love with; and Dave, the 23 year-old break-dancer and “one-man party” who is up for anything. With the help of MTV, Duncan, Ben, Jonnie and Dave are crossing #53 of their list: start a television show.

Three years ago, “The Buried Life” began as Duncan, Ben, Dave and Jonnie, disillusioned about what lay ahead for the future of their generation, decided to make a list of everything they wanted most in life. Together, the group of friends made a list of everything they wanted most in life. With their list of “things to do before you die” in tow, the guys set out on an adventure and along the way, promised they would help others achieve their own set of goals. The title of their fearless journey was inspired by a poem written by Matthew Arnold in 1852 that explored the idea that day-to-day minutia can sometimes bury people and make them forget what they’re passionate about in life.

“Life moves fast and we wanted to slow down and enjoy it. To do that we had to ask ourselves some important questions, most importantly: What do I need to achieve or experience before I die?” said Jonnie Penn, cast-member of “The Buried Life.” “When we asked strangers this question, we were fascinated with the answers we received. Given the ultimate deadline, people are forced to ignore the day-to-day trivialities that sometimes bury their lives, and evaluate their most personal dreams and ambitions.”

For more information about MTV’s “The Buried Life,” head to buriedlife.mtv.com this fall or to follow the guys’ other adventures, check out www.theburiedlife.com.

Howard T. Owens, Mark Koops and Adam Paul of Reveille are executive producers. Noah Oppenheim and Jared Tobman of Reveille, Dave Lingwood, Ben Nemtin, Duncan Penn, Jonnie Penn and Jan Coleman are co-executive producers.



Tabz (aka Tabitha Grace Smith) is a omnivorous geek with a special love of television. She's a writer, social media strategist, and teacher. In her spare time she blogs over at Doctor Her (a Doctor Who blog) and runs Between the Lines Studios.

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