Elementary Episode #015 – A Giant Gun, Filled with Drugs

A Giant Gun, Filled with Drugs

Join Tabz and Naomi as they discuss CBS’ Elementary and the episode, A Giant Gun, Filled with Drugs.

Edited by Tabz

Holmes tries to find out who kidnapped the adult daughter of his ex-drug dealer, Rhys. Watson worries about Holmes’s sobriety when Rhys suggests Holmes was a better detective when he was using drugs.


Tabz (aka Tabitha Grace Smith) is a omnivorous geek with a special love of television. She's a writer, social media strategist, and teacher. In her spare time she blogs over at Doctor Her (a Doctor Who blog) and runs Between the Lines Studios.

3 thoughts to “Elementary Episode #015 – A Giant Gun, Filled with Drugs”

  1. I liked this episode more than you two, I think. The only time all season there is not a murder–something I hope the show does more of in season two. I also found the plot clearer than Naomi–the DEA guy was after Rhys ill-gotten millions and there is no one safer for a cop to steal from than a crook. I thought the inevitable “Sherlock’s addiction show” was handled very well and smartly, better than some network shows would.

    I hope you’ll go into greater depth and length for each episode. there’s a lot of good stuff there and nods to the Canon done in an understated but clever way.

    1. Yeah, sometimes you just don’t like an episode! But we will go in great depth (I’m in the future, I’ve heard all our episodes). Thanks for all your comments though! Nice to know we’ve got people listening.

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