Childrens Hospital: Don’t Work on Saturdays?

My first full time job was at a dot com business that was just at the “we’re out of the garage and going to the penthouse suite” stage in it’s development. When I was first hired we worked in a run-down office building that, every time it rained, the electricity would go out and, until it came back on, they’d have wheeled chair races. In an office like that, it’s easy to hear a million excuses why work doesn’t get done. Like on Childrens Hospital, a wacky show that playfully mocks the medical drama genre, the characters remind me a lot of my workmates at my old job. The doctors at Childrens Hospital don’t work Saturdays and that often leads to some crazy situations for both them and their patients.

If you haven’t seen Childrens Hospital yet, it was originally a web-series created by The Daily Show alum Rob Corddry during the Writer’s Strike. The original episodes were 5 minutes long, it bumped up to 15 minutes when it joined Cartoon Network’s [adult swim] line up. The new series premiered this last week. Corddry himself appears as the lead (the clown doctor), and there’s a cast of great TV alumns like Megan Mullally (Will & Grace), Lake Bell (Boston Legal) and Henry Winkler (Happy Days, Arrested Development).

For an idea of what the show is about check out this clip:

Childrens Hospital: The Complete Third Season on… by thewbdotcom

You can pick up Season 3 of Childrens Hospital now from the WB shop:

I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for ‘Childrens Hospital.’


Tabz (aka Tabitha Grace Smith) is a omnivorous geek with a special love of television. She's a writer, social media strategist, and teacher. In her spare time she blogs over at Doctor Her (a Doctor Who blog) and runs Between the Lines Studios.

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