Episode #1 – I’d Back That! A Kickstarter Podcast

Join Shane Tyree, Tabz, Justine, Aron, Lucian, William and Tro as they discuss why the back Kickstarters, some Kickstarters that have caught their eye recently, and more in this first episode of the I’d Back It! – Kickstarter Podcast.

Watch this episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9v1eb8nJU8

Theme song by Beatnik Turtle


The Wayward Backer Facebook Group

The Wayward Backer Twitter

Double Black Playing Cards

The Independence by Jackson Robinson 

The Executioner’s Mask 

Pirate Den by Gamesmith 

Clipped Wings Playing Cards 

The Sushi Wallet 

Lisa and Tabz Get Lost in Los Angeles – Episode #007: Veronica Mars PaleyFest Panel 3/13/14

veronica-mars-paleyfest-giLisa and Tabz got to attend the Veronica Mars panel at PaleyFest (at the Dolby Theater). Listen to their thoughts about the panel, Veronica MarsKickstarter and a lot of TV-related thoughts.

Warning: slight spoilers for Firefly (the pilot and Train Job).


Elementary Episode #023 – The Woman/Heroine


Join Tabz and Naomi as they discuss CBS’ Elementary.

This episode was edited by Tabz

Flashbacks reveal Sherlock’s meeting with Irene two years ago, including her “preserving” antique works of art by returning to museums her forgeries of paintings rather than restored originals. In the present Irene is revealed to have been psychologically tortured for the past eighteen months which she believes to have been seven years. Holmes decides to send Irene away to keep her safe but she counters that they go together. He agrees but then notices a mole is missing from Irene and concludes it was removed to avoid it turning cancerous which Moriarty would not care unless she was working for Moriarty so Irene storms out. One of Moriarty’s agents discovers he is to be killed and defeats his assassins and returns to kill Holmes and reveals to him that Moriarty is a woman. Before Holmes can be shot a second time the agent is shot and killed by Irene who enters and now talks with a British accent. Holmes concludes she is Moriarty.

Elementary Episode #022 – Risk Management

Risk Management

Join Tabz and Naomi as they discuss CBS’ Elementary.

This episode was edited by Tabz

Moriarty calls Holmes to have him look into the several-month-old unsolved murder of a mechanic. Holmes learns the mechanic was surveiled by a private security firm whose founder’s sister was killed 20 years ago. The security expert confesses to the mechanic’s murder, but Moriarty says the murderer has not been found. Holmes discovers that the security expert did not see the murderer flee 20 years ago. It was instead his wife who saw the murderer. When her husband’s mental health was failing, she convinced him that the lookalike mechanic was the murderer; this revenge stabilised his mental health. It is proven that the mechanic was innocent, having been out of the country at the time of the sister’s death. The security expert’s wife is also arrested for the mechanic’s murder. In payment, Sherlock receives an address and a choice to lead a safe life or find out about Irene. He lies to Watson, who sees through this. The pair discover Irene in an abandoned house.

DracuCast #003 – Goblin Merchant Men


Join Tabz and Dan Shaurette as they discuss NBC’s Dracula, episode 3, “Goblin Merchant Men.”

With Harker’s help, Grayson begins to dismantle the Order of the Dragon from within by attacking its members one by one. He unmasks and exploits Lord Lorenz’s secret to his own advantage. This ultimately leads the Order to take drastic measures to reprimand members who break the rules. As a result of a chain of events resulting from Grayson’s blackmail of Lord Lorenz, he, in turn, earns a powerful enemy within the Order of the dragon — Lord Davenport. Renfield proves to be a sophisticated and skillful tactician in business matters on behalf of his employer, and this W2 form guide is also good to provide to employees. Grayson investigates Lady Jayne and finds brutal proof regarding her secret life within the Order — now he realizes he must change his tactics with her. Lucy tries to help Mina who is depressed over the current sad state of her relationship with Jonathan. Mina confides in Grayson about her troubles and Grayson offers Jonathan advice to help fix the situation. Jonathan and Mina reconcile and become engaged to be married — all according to Grayson’s plan to continue to keep Mina close, but not too close (from Wikipedia).

Elementary Episode #021 – Landmark Story


Join Tabz and Naomi as they discuss CBS’ Elementary.

This episode was edited by Tabz

Sherlock is given a hint by Sebastian Moran, the man he once thought to be Moriarty. He looks into well-disguised murders and catches a killer hired by Moriarty. With the killer’s help, he finds another man hired by Moriarty, but that man is then murdered. Moran commits suicide, after Moriarty lets him choose between his own death and his sister’s death. At the end of the episode, a phone rings; it is Moriarty calling Holmes.

Elementary Episode #020 – Dead Man’s Switch


Join Tabz and Naomi as they discuss CBS’ Elementary.

This episode was edited by Tabz

Sherlock’s one-year anniversary of being sober is approaching, an event Watson thinks Sherlock should celebrate. Uninterested in giving the day any special recognition (he finds celebrating the measurement of time as pointless) he spends it doing business as usual as he and Joan hunt for the accomplice of a murdered blackmailer who targeted families of rape victims.


Basil of Baker Street Series

The Psych Analysis Podcast #024 – Review of Season 2 Episode 8: “Rob-a-Bye Baby”

Join Kim, Tabz, Dan and Heidi as they discuss USA Network’s Psych!

In the middle of a crime wave, Chief Vick assigns Shawn and Gus the staid duty of finding her a new nanny.

Join our Facebook Group and discuss Psych along with us! www.facebook.com/groups/249249268439144

Links Mentioned In This Podcast:

My Well Dressed Toddler Daughter. 

Your LL Bean Boyfriend.

Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BtLStudios

or over on Twitter: http://twitter.com/BtLStudios

Our theme song is by Beatnik Turtle.

The Psych Analysis Podcast #023 – Review of Season 2 Episode 7: “If You’re So Smart Then Why Are You Dead?”





In this episode Dan gets a bit angry for science, Tabz/Heidi and Kim often agree, smarmy acting is discussed and so much more.

Join our Facebook Group and discuss Psych along with us! www.facebook.com/groups/249249268439144


Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BtLStudios

or over on Twitter: http://twitter.com/BtLStudios

Our theme song is by Beatnik Turtle.