Yes Mother Podcast: What We’ve Been Watching for Episode #18

Don-Draper-Mad-MenEm’s journey down the rabbit hold of Mad Men is over! She enjoyed her journey very much and we are glad she is back. Sue can’t decide who the best depicted literary character is, Mr. Darcy or Mr. Rochester and Emily unsuccessfully tries to explain French girls. Sue took Emily up on her challenge last week and watched the Buffy episodes she was asked to watch and possibly more.

Yes Mother: A Bates Motel Podcast, episode #18 S2E7, “Presumed Innocent”

imageOn this week’s edition of Yes Mother Emily and Sue cover season 2 episode 7 of Bates Motel entitled “Presumed Innocent”.  In this episode everyone seems to think Norman is innocent except for Norma.  There is a new super cop in town and Romero seems annoyed with her.  Cody trades the smell of beer and smoke for cat pee.  Emma tries to convince Dylan to go support Norman  and Zane proves to be totally insane and puts everyone’s life in danger.  Listen along as Em and Sue talk about this and more! And there might be a little rant about the current tv rating system.

Yes Mother Podcast: Episode #17 S2E6, “Plunge”


In this week’s addition of Yes Mother we cover season 2 episode 6 of Bates Motel entitled “Plunge”.  Dylan gets to know his boss pretty well.  Norma gets some exciting news from the mayor.  Emma, Norman and Gunner all take a plunge into the river and Cody’s dad takes a plunge down the stairs.   Join Emily and Sue as they talk about this and more.

Yes Mother Podcast: What We’ve Been Watching Ep#16

3014240-poster-p-sharknado-twitter-weather-centerEm is caught in the rabbit hole of Mad Men, but she was able to stop watching long enough to watch the best bad movie ever made. Sue got caught in the rabbit hole of Orphan Black and found time to watch some other things too. And we discuss the finale of season 4 of the Walking Dead.

Yes Mother Podcast: Episode #16 S2E5, “The Escape Artist”

imageWelcome back guests! In season 2 episode 5 of Bates Motel titled “The Escape Artist” love is in the air! Cody and Norman, Emma and Gunner, and what was that look between Norma and Romero? Norma meets with Nick Ford about stopping the bypass, Romero moves into the Bates Motel (yay!), and Dylan saves Zanes life (why Dylan why?) Listen along as Em and Sue discuss this and more on this week’s episode of Yes Mother.

Stay tuned for What We’ve Been Watching…

Yes Mother Podcast, episode #15: S2E4 “Check Out”

imageGuess what guests? I was able to fit What We’ve Been Watching on here too! Sue and I must have behaved ourselves this week.

But meanwhile in the episode, Dylan starts a downward spiral after receiving the most shocking news of his life successfully turning it upside down. Norma pretty much just suffers major mom guilt and is forced to go on a date with George and deal with filterless jerkwads (well, just one). Norman goes on his own little journey…and I use the term “own” loosely. Meanwhile, Emma has her own problems which seem to turn into no problem.

Then, you can listen to Em and Sue discuss their watches of the week. Did Emily flip for The Avengers? Did Sue veer out of PBS territory? Find out by listening to the podcast, you can even earn yourself a room at our motel, the accommodations are nice, and in our Bates Motel, hardly anyone ever gets knifed in the shower. Peepholes and noise tend to be a problem though.

Yes Mother: What We’ve Been Watching for Ep #14 Plus “Caleb” Part II


The adorable Pierre Perrier (The French name equivalent of Benedict Cumberbatch) from The Returned.

Ok, here is the rest of the bloated two part episode for Caleb. Join Emily and Sue as we review what we’ve been watching this week besides Bates Motel. Emily pretty much took all of Sue’s suggestions and was very happy she did. Sue watched Clerks II and finished Manor House.
Then, if you were wondering What the bip happened to what the bip, it’s here. Plus we rate the show and have theories about what’s next (Emily even has a crackpot theory).

We even muse about Twitter and selfies. This episode has it all!

Oh and Sue- I think you will really like the song I chose.

Yes Mother Podcast ep #14 S2E3: “Caleb”

imageWhat is the female equivalent of the man crush? Because I think I have one of those on Norma Bates.

Welcome back guests! In this week’s episode “Caleb”, Norma makes a new friend. Dylan’s job is becoming a more dangerous place to be because of his new boss Zane. Emma organizes a memorial for Bradley at the beach. Norman makes a new friend and Norma’s brother Caleb comes to White Pine Bay. Join Emily and Sue as they discuss these things and more on the latest episode of Yes Mother Podcast.

(Note from the editor: More is the operative word! I had to edit and edit and finally whittled it all down to still way too long. So, I dumped a bit of stuff on over to the What We’ve Been Watching segment, including our WTB moments and ratings. All that will be out later in the week, in the name of me not having to listen to it all again and make more cutting decisions so this can come out in a timely manner and I keep my sanity in tact. I wouldn’t want to develop some split personality which kills editing software and podcasts and stuffs them with sawdust and… Anyway…NEVER AGAIN CAN WE LET THIS HAPPEN! But this episode was just so interesting and brought up interesting things and I finally watched stuff and The Walking Dead was so crazy… Love, Emily)

Yes Mother Podcast: What We’ve Been Watching, episode #13B

aAtdQIfcnLw.market_maxresHere is the segment where Em and Sue discussed what we’d been watching this week besides Bates Motel. Emily pretty much just watched life pass her by again (for the last time)- but Sue took up the watching Mantle and watched a boat load of stuff. Listen as they discuss the season finale of Downton Abbey, The Young Doctor’s Notebook, The Avengers, and the French Television series: The Returned. Did I miss anything? Maybe.

Oh and why a Radiohead cover at the end? Just cause I can.

Yes Mother Podcast, Episode #13, S2E2 “Shadow of a Doubt”

image Welcome back guests! This week Emily and Sue discuss season 2 episode 2 of Bates Motel titled “Shadow of a Doubt”. This week we find out Norman is hiding Bradley in the fruit cellar, don’t worry, he didn’t taxidermy her. Dylan’s job becomes more dangerous because of the death of Gil. Norma and Norman delight us with a great rendition of “Mr. Sandman” and Norma auditions for the community theater’s production of “South Pacific”. Norma finds Miss Watson’s pearls in Norman’s room and Norman finds a huge wad of cash in his room. And Sheriff Romero feels the pressure of being in charge of a town fueled by drug money. Join Emily and Sue as this latest episode, read some comment cards and do a little spoiler/predictions segment.

Also- What We’ve Been Watching will be out later in the week, we decided to edit it out and release it separately for time (both length of podcast and getting the episode stuff edited quickly).