Yes Mother: Bates Motel Season 3 Wrap up

normaThe long awaited wrap up of season 3 is here! We were joined by a special guest this time, making her first ever podcast debut… our sister Cat! Yes, there are more of us, and I think it will be pretty clear to everyone early on that we are sisters.

Anyway… in this podcast we highlight our favorite parts of the season by talking about our individual favorite episodes, count down our favorite scenes, favorite quotes, and do a 5 most favorite / 5 least favorite parts of the season. We also discuss what we think might happen in season 4, discuss how our points of view may have changed watching all episodes after having seen the whole season (Emily had some epiphanies), discuss Normero a bit, and we may have a giggle now and then.

Oh yes– and we have contest winners! Tune in, and make a trip back to White Pine Bay, get a room at our B and B, we think you will find your trip enjoyable, peepholes and all.

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