Sue Watches Angel #43 S3: eps Carpe Noctum – Billy

s3_billy_wb10In this episode we watch a fairly misogynistic run of Angel episodes. Or are they? They empower the women from time to time sure… Alright, we’ll give you misogynistic, but homophobic? We think not.

All this didn’t stop us from enjoying discussing them or watching them, really. Not the best run, but not quite the worst.

Come on! This is a world where Expecting, She, and I fall to Pieces exists.

These are miles better then those.


We start the ep with a little Cat’s Crypt, WWBW, Angel discussion, and end it with Sue’s latest camping exploits. Peace.

3 thoughts to “Sue Watches Angel #43 S3: eps Carpe Noctum – Billy”

  1. I was just rewatching an Orphan Black episode after pausing this podcast. When I went back to Sue Watches Buffy and hit play literally 5 seconds later my heart and head exploded simultaneously. Can’t believe you’re down on the show. You agree that Tatiana is amazeballs, and she’s on screen acting her panties off 95% of the time so I just don’t understand. So sad. I’m gonna go cry now.

    Oh yeah, I watched The Fall thanks to you. Twas good. Very abrupt ending. Gillian Anderson is a goddess. Watch Hannibal, she has a prominent role.

    1. Awww– don’t cry. I watch that show for the characters and so most of what I love about it was very sparse and was replaced with a lot of convoluted plot. Hopefully they will go back to what they did so well in seasons 1 and 2 next season- if so I’ll have a front row seat. Congratulations to Tatiana on her Emmy nom!

      Hannibal is on my short list, in fact I’ve DVR’d this season in anticipation of loving it and wanting to watch everything available ASAP.


  2. Considering the show is about shady illegal cloning trials I think it’s to be expected that there will a convoluted political aspect to it. I think the shows has never failed in balancing the plot and exposition with the character moments that I crave. I don’t know, this show has made me fall in love with some of its characters in a way that is very eerie because I rarely get invested that heavily in TV.

    Also the creators have recently said that they want to take the show back to its season 1 roots next season, with an overarching mystery format with more focused character stories., so that might be more up your alley.

    Oh my gawdd, Hannibal is soooooo….. Hanniibal!!!!!!11111

    (sorry, last couple of episodes have just killed me)

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