Mobile Internet for Your Car

File this under the things Tabz salivates over: wireless internet for your car. According to an article on MSNBC: “By 2016, consumers will consider such Internet connectivity as important as traditional features such as safety and fuel economy”, said Thilo Koslowski, vice president of the Automotive Manufacturing Industry Advisory Service at market researcher Gartner, Inc.

Currently the wireless router for your car is a bit pricey ($499), but it is an option on some Chrysler and Cadillac cars, and it can be installed on cars after being bought.

Now, this may seem like a bad idea for folks who are invisioning Tabz driving in a car and using her laptop. But you forget the ONE crutial fact. Tabz doesn’t drive.

If you are concerned about folks using the internet and driving, it really is a boon for listening to internet streaming radio stations or stopping for Google map directions. I can think of a hundred times I wish I could just park somewhere and open my laptop and solve a work problem. Or comparision shop on something I just saw in the store. It’s all fine and good to do that on your iPhone or Crackberry, but having a full keyboard and mouse is nice too.


Tabz (aka Tabitha Grace Smith) is a omnivorous geek with a special love of television. She's a writer, social media strategist, and teacher. In her spare time she blogs over at Doctor Her (a Doctor Who blog) and runs Between the Lines Studios.

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