Kodak wants to give Yellow Rose Boy Another Chance with Megan Fox

Perhaps in one of the greatest “missed connections” in social interaction, a courteous young boy with a delicate rose missed his moment with destiny on June 16, 2009, when his attempt to give a yellow rose to actress Megan Fox at a movie premiere in London, England missed its mark.

Although this thoughtful gesture fell victim to “the wrong place at the wrong time,” Eastman Kodak Company believes that fate has other plans for this idealistic young lad.

In an attempt to foster a new relationship with two amazing people, Kodak urges the “Rose Boy” to come forward and identify himself so that the company can help arrange a real rose exchange. To help accelerate his prompt identification, Kodak will offer $5,000 to the first person who can provide verifiable information that enables Kodak to make this connection happen. Kodak will also cover travel costs for the young man and his family to help allow destiny to take its course, and provide cameras for him to capture the moment.

“It’s amazing how just a photograph can connect and change the lives of two complete strangers,” said Leslie Dance, Vice President of Kodak’s Worldwide Brand Marketing & Communications. “If this photo is any indication, this boy was really hoping to meet Megan Fox and give her that rose, and we’d love to help make his fantastical wish come true.”

Please send us an email at yellowroseboy@gmail.com if you have any information or can help turn the rose boy’s dreams into reality.



Tabz (aka Tabitha Grace Smith) is a omnivorous geek with a special love of television. She's a writer, social media strategist, and teacher. In her spare time she blogs over at Doctor Her (a Doctor Who blog) and runs Between the Lines Studios.

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