Fans Can Help Transylvania Television Produce a Halloween Special!

Fans of the cult hit Transylvania Television (TVTV) can pledge their “undying” loyalty and money through Funds raised will help produce an hour-long Halloween special on the Twin Cities network CW (formally known as WB23).  Fans can locate the pledge page by visiting  Pledges can be as little as $10 and depending on the level of sponsorships, fans and donors can receive various gifts for their pledges including buttons, character shrinky-dinks, autographed pieces from the set, and personalized video greetings from the Transylvania Television cast.

For over two years, TVTV has been attracting college and Generation X audiences by blending traditional stand up, sitcom television, and pop culture references with their own cutting edge humor.  TVTV continues to gather steam as they launch their third season and the producers and fleece animators of TVTV continue to expand their audience base. Using the Web and guerilla marketing tactics, TVTV has been reaching out to audiences via Facebook (under transylvaniatv), iTunes, and Twitter while creating an army of “zombie minions” for their cult hit.


Tabz (aka Tabitha Grace Smith) is a omnivorous geek with a special love of television. She's a writer, social media strategist, and teacher. In her spare time she blogs over at Doctor Her (a Doctor Who blog) and runs Between the Lines Studios.

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