Buy The Guild – Season One
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The Guild is a show that’s taken the internet by storm. Created, written by, and starring Felicia Day (some of you may know her as Vi from Buffy the Vampire Slayer), this show is everything the at-risk-tech-savvy-youth could ask for. The show centers around Cyd Shermann, Codex in her online world, and it opens to a confession from Cyd to her webcam.
From there the show hooks you and then continues to propel you through all ten episodes (each averaging 5 to 7 minutes), as Cyd copes with the head on collision of her internet world and real life. The show is quickly fleshed out with several other characters from Codex’s On-Line Guild, including Clara, the neglectful mom, Tinkerballa, the tech addicted teen, Bladez, the rebel, and Zaboo, the love-smitten mama’s boy.
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