Granada America Launches Contest for Bloggers: “I’m a Blogger… Get Me Out of Here!”

“I’m a Blogger… Get Me Out of Here!” Pits Bloggers Against Each Other for a Grand Prize Trip Behind the Scenes of NBC’s “I’m a Celebrity.. Get Me Out of Here!”

i_m-a-blogger-get-me-out-of-hereEmbracing the social media sphere Granada America launched a blogger contest today to help generate buzz and excitement about “I’m a Celebrity.. Get Me Out of Here” which premiers June 1st, 2009.

Running until June 11th, the competition will consist of three separate challenges for participating bloggers, each consisting of a research or experience assignment that they’ll have to blog (300-500 words) or a video blog (2-3 minutes) about. Topics may range from the finer points of insect eating to the mating rituals of some of the furry little things the celebs will soon be calling their neighbors. The posts will all go up on, where they will be voted on by America. Half of the competitors will be voted off of the blogosphere island after each round, leaving the final three to compete for the grand prize: a trip to Costa Rica to live blog from the set of the reality show “I’m a Celebrity Get me Out of Here!” from June 17 – 22nd.

Premiering June 1st, “I’m a Celebrity Get me Out of here” is the ultimate Swiss Family Robinson-style competition. Ten celebrities will be dropped into the heart of the jungle to face fun and comedic challenges designed to test their survival skills. America is the puppet master, controlling their favorites by putting them into challenges and tasks to win food, supplies and luxury items. In each episode, friendships will be tested, patience tried and hilarity will certainly ensue. Viewers will decide which celebrities stay or leave. While all participants will be playing for their favorite charities, the last remaining star will be crowned King or Queen of the Jungle, winning the largest share of the prize for donation.


Tabz (aka Tabitha Grace Smith) is a omnivorous geek with a special love of television. She's a writer, social media strategist, and teacher. In her spare time she blogs over at Doctor Her (a Doctor Who blog) and runs Between the Lines Studios.

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