Rizzoli & Isles – Season 2 on DVD: High School Reunions

Rizzoli & Isles DVD: Available May 22nd!

In Season 2 of Rizzoli and Isles we get to see a lot more of Rizzoli’s past coming back to her. In the episode “Seventeen Ain’t So Sweet,” Jane’s first reason for going to her high school reunion is Casey, a sweet and sexy love interest, but when she finds out he is not going to the reunion she tries not to be crushed. In steps her awesome friend, Maura who vows to protect her from the “mean girls” who tormented her in high school.

And it’s a good thing Jane does, because soon after she meets up with everyone Steve, who had been asking her several times at the reunion to call him, is murdered.

In the end, Jane really sees how the popular mean girls’ lives were pretty awful, the classic “high school doesn’t matter” twist that many shows get, but it’s classic because it feels so true. Even though I was homeschooled I had runins with “mean girls” and now, as I look at their lives, I wonder why I even cared what they thought of me. They’ve pushed out most of their significant relationships, they struggle with the ones they have left, and they’re living each day as if it’s a show (which, personally, I’d find exhausting). Not that I’m happy their lives have to be like this, on the contrary it makes me sad. But it’s really interesting how the troupe can often resonate in real life (of course, this isn’t always the case).

Jane’s reliving of her rough time in high school gives her perspective into the crimes committed and, ultimately, herself. It was a super fun episode that I can’t wait to watch now that the DVDs are coming out! I’m hoping to have a good marathon of Rizzoli & Isles Season 2 before the premire of season 3 on June 5th at 9/8c on TNT.

You can pick up your own copy of Rizzoli and Isles Season 2 on DVD here: http://bit.ly/ISlEkF


I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Rizzoli & Isles Season Two on DVD. Preorder the DVD, available 5/22!


Tabz (aka Tabitha Grace Smith) is a omnivorous geek with a special love of television. She's a writer, social media strategist, and teacher. In her spare time she blogs over at Doctor Her (a Doctor Who blog) and runs Between the Lines Studios.

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